Bulletin E2492
Pest Management for Small Animals: Commercial Applicators - Category 7G

April 18, 2017 - Edward D. Walker

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This manual presents basic pest, pest management and pesticide handling information for persons who apply pesticides on animals or in places where animals are kept — pest management for small animals, category 7G.

People use pesticides for many purposes. Pesticides protect humans, food and non-food crops, homes, pets and livestock, and keep various industrial processes pest free and functioning efficiently. To better protect the environment and human health by assuring the safe use and application of pesticides, the Michigan Department of Agriculture (MDA) administers the certification and registration program for pesticide applicators. Certification or registration requires obtaining the necessary knowledge to purchase and safely use pesticides.

In 1991, Regulation 636 was passed as part of the Michigan Pesticide Control Act amendments of 1988. This regulation requires persons who apply pesticides for a commercial purpose or as a scheduled and required work assignment in the course of his or her employment to be either certified pesticide applicators or registered technicians. Numerous types of businesses, activities and individuals are subject to this requirement. The following pest control categories are defined in Regulation 636:

(1A) Field crops

(1B) Vegetable crops

(1C) Fruit crops

(1D) Livestock

(2) Forest

(2A) Wood preservation

(3A) Turfgrass

(3B) Ornamental (exterior trees, shrubs and groundcovers)

(4) Seed treatment

(5) Aquatic (lakes, ponds, streams, etc.)

(5A) Swimming pools

(5B) Microbial (cooling towers, air washers, etc.)

(6) Right-of-way

(7A) General pest management (pests in, on or around human dwellings, institutions, f ood-handling establishments, etc.)

(7B) Wood-destroying organisms

(7C) Contractual public health

(7D) Vertebrate

(7E) Interiorscape

(7F) Mosquito management

(7G) Small animals

(8) Public health

(9) Regulatory

(10) Demonstration and research

To become a commercial pesticide applicator in category 7G, pest management for small animals, an individual must complete an application form, pay the $50 certification fee and pass a written multiple-choice/true-false examination relating to the information found in this manual. Obtain an application form for commercial pesticide applicator certification from the nearest MDA office (telephone numbers and addresses are listed in Appendix C) or from your county MSU Extension office. When you are prepared to take the exam, call the MDA to reserve a seat at a scheduled examination time and location. Take your completed application form and check or money order for the $50 certification fee to the exam site. The certification credentials you receive after passing the exam are valid for three years.

To become a registered technician in category 7G, you must pass an examination that tests your knowledge of the general, “core” pesticide information found in this manual, chapters 1-7 only. Follow the same procedures as above for taking the exam. Next, you must undergo category-specific training. This training must deliver specific information to properly prepare you for your job tasks. The training must be approved by the MDA and administered by an MDA-approved trainer. Obtain an application for registered technicians and bring it to the exam site with the $25 registration fee. The registered technician credentials you earn by passing the exam and going through training are valid for three years. For more information, refer to Chapter 1: Laws and Regulations, or call your regional MDA office.

This manual is not intended to provide all the information necessary for effective pest control with pesticides labeled for use on or around animals. Obtain up-to-date information about recommended materials and methods from labels, manufacturers, reference manuals, Extension specialists and professional associations. The label carries important information about proper dilution rates, timing, placement and precautions when using pesticides for animal health reasons. The label is the law. Follow all directions on pesticide labels.

Suggestions for Studying This Manual

This manual is designed to help applicators meet pesticide certification requirements. You may already know some of the material from your experience with pesticides. This manual has 11 chapters. A list of self-help questions is included at the end of each chapter. These questions are to help you study and are not necessarily the questions on the certification examination. If you have problems using the manual, please consult your county Extension agent, your supervisor or a representative of the MDA for help.

1. Find a place and time for study where you will not be disturbed.

2. Read the entire manual through once to understand the scope of the material and the manner in which it is presented. A glossary at the back of the manual defines some of the terms used in the chapters.

3. Study one chapter of the manual at a time. Consider underlining important points or take written notes as you study the chapter.

4. Answer, in writing, the self-help questions at the end of each chapter. These questions are intended to help you study and evaluate your knowledge of the subject. They are an important part of your study.

5. Reread the entire manual once again when you have finished studying all of its sections. Review with care any sections that you feel you do not fully understand.

This manual is intended to help you use pesticides effectively and safely when they are needed. We hope that you review it occasionally to keep the material fresh in your mind.


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