Making Healthy Choices: Week 04


January 22, 2017 - Erin Powell

Enjoy fruit

Eating fruit can be one of the easier healthy choices to make since most fruit is naturally sweet and also packed with nutrients. It is important to know what the recommended amount of fruit is for you and your family, even if regularly eating fruit isn’t a challenge!

There are many different types of fruit to enjoy including bananas, apples, oranges, kiwis, melons, berries, mangos, grapes, peaches, pineapples and more. Eating a variety of different fruits will keep your taste buds interested and also provide you with a variety of nutrients.

Get your fiber

The fruit food group includes fresh, frozen, dried and canned options, and 100% fruit juice. When shopping for juice, remember to check the nutrition label to make sure it says “100% fruit juice.”

Juice should be limited to 1 cup (8 ounces) a day because it’s missing fiber. Fiber helps to slow down the absorption of sugar and reduces a blood sugar spike that can cause energy crashes. Fiber is present in whole fruit but lost when the fruit is made into juice. Fruit juice is often so sweet that you can stretch your dollar and lessen the sugar by watering it down.

Dried fruit, such as raisins or dried cranberries, should be eaten in smaller portions than fresh fruit. Half a cup of dried fruit is equal to 1 cup of fruit. Dried fruit can contain added sugar. Because all dried fruit is easier to eat in larger amounts than fresh fruit, be careful how much you eat!

Daily fruit recommendations for children

Age in Years Amount in Cups
2-3 (boys and girls) 1
4-8 (boys and girls) 1 - 1.5
9-13 (boys and girls) 1.5
14-18 (boys) 2
14-18 (girls) 1.5


Did you know?

Fruit contains sugar. The sugar in fruit appears naturally along with vitamins, minerals and fiber, which help the body process sugar. If you’re trying to eat less sugar, avoid foods with added sugar such as cakes, cookies and candy. Keep fruit on your grocery list.


Weekly Recipe

Remember to wash your hands and prepare food safely.

Frozen Banana ‘Ice Cream’

  1. Mix one peeled frozen banana in blender until smooth. (If your child is not old enough to use the blender on his or her own, blend the banana ahead of time.)
  2. Put individual servings inside the freezer where your child can reach them.


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