What do you value in a career?

When you understand what you value most, finding a career and an employer that closely fits your values can increase your job satisfaction and overall happiness.

For decorative purposes.

Finding a career you love is priceless! Too often, people do not take the time to reflect on what is important to them and what they value when choosing a career. We bring our values with us wherever we go. They are an important part of who we are, what we believe, what motivates us and often affects how we conduct and present ourselves to others. According to Michigan State University (MSU) Extension, when you understand what you value most, finding a career and an employer that closely fits your values can increase your job satisfaction and overall happiness.

Many things can contribute to job satisfaction. According to a 2022 Gallup poll, some of the most important factors that employees consider when choosing a job include pay and benefits, work-life balance, an opportunity to use skills and abilities, job security, office safety policies, and diversity within the workplace.

There are both intrinsic and extrinsic motivators that can make a job more fulfilling. Intrinsic motivation occurs when people engage in tasks or activities that are personally enjoyable. The reward is intangible and comes from within the person. Extrinsic motivators are more tangible rewards and come from an outside source such as a person’s pay or grades.

What internally motivates you in a job or career?

  • Independence: doing things on your own, with little supervision
  • Achievement: ability to accomplish and complete tasks successfully
  • Variety: trying new things and doing different activities
  • Service: helping others or the community
  • Creativity: producing innovative ideas and using your imagination
  • Challenge: taking risks, experimenting, and solving problems
  • Recognition: appreciation for work, advancing in career and being noticed by others

What externally motivates you in a job or career?

  • Compensation, including your pay, medical and retirement benefits
  • Work environment such as the location, hours, and physical space hours
  • Relationships with your co-workers and supervisors

Are you ready to identify your own work values? One free tool you can try is the Work Values Matcher provided by CareerOneStop.org, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor.

Michigan State University Extension  and Michigan 4-H Youth Development helps to prepare young people for successful futures. For more information or resources on career exploration, workforce preparation, financial education, or youth entrepreneurship, email us at 4-HCareerPrep@anr.msu.edu or follow us on social media (Facebook, Instagram or Twitter) by searching 4HCareers.

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