Take the 4th H for Health Challenge

Consider participating in the 4th H for Health Challenge designed for 4-H clubs to address healthy habits.

Health is a popular topic in many communities and groups. 4-H even includes the word health in their 4-H pledge, “my health to better living.” The 4th H for Health Challenge came out of an initiative developed by Tufts University and Childobesity 180. The initiative’s focus is to help kids be healthy outside of school. Many kids participate in out-of-school programs like 4-H or scouts. The Healthy Kids out of School website provides leaders and coaches with simple messages and activities to help instill healthy habits with kids that will stick with them when they become adults.

The three main messages are:

  1. Drink right. Choose water instead of sugar-sweetened beverages.
  2. Move more. Boost movement and physical activity.
  3. Snack smart. Fuel up on fruits and vegetables.

Healthy Kids out of School has also developed a 4th H for Health Challenge that asks club members and leaders to model “my health to better living” by including these three messages into their club meetings. There is a tracker sheet that can be used by the club to keep track of what healthy habits they are exhibiting at the meetings.

This initiative has created some fun, hands-on activities that can be done with your club members. Healthy Kids out of School have also developed information for boy and girl scouts as well as coaches.

Michigan State University Extension’s 4-H Youth Program is very supportive of this initiative and encourages 4-H clubs to participate in this 4th H for Health Challenge. A 4th H for Health Pin can be purchased through the 4-H Mall after the club has taken the challenge. Michigan also has a certificate that can be given to club members once the challenge is complete.

To learn more about the 4th H for Health Challenge and 4-H Healthy Living Programs, contact your local MSU Extension office or me at hydmich@msu.edu.

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