Scouting for pests: Leafhoppers (sucking pest)

Editor’s note: This article is from the archives of the MSU Crop Advisory Team Alerts. Check the label of any pesticide referenced to ensure your use is included

Leafhopper feeding causes stippling of plant leaves that is similar to damage caused by twospotted spider mite. (view image) Leafhopper feeding can result in leaf distortion, chlorosis, plant stunting, leaf curling, leaf yellowing and necrosis. Extensive feeding damage gives plants a scorched appearance. Both the adults and nymphs are active, typically moving sideways when disturbed.
Leafhoppers feed on a wide variety of herbaceous perennials. The aster leafhopper transmits aster yellows disease.

Remove weeds from adjacent areas – many weeds serve as a reservoir for leafhoppers. Contact insecticides may be used against leafhoppers, but control can be difficult because leafhoppers are very mobile.

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