Prevented planting of corn acres - Options and considerations breeze seminar

Significant acres of farm land may go unplanted this growing season as farms choose to use insurance program rather than risk late planting this spring and losing the crop next fall.

Farms that have purchased crop insurance for their farm will soon have some real decisions to make if they still have unplanted corn acres. On June 5th a farm with crop insurance may choose to contact their crop insurance agent to declare that they have corn acres that need to be considered a Prevented Planting.  This notice will force the farm to stop planting corn but will keep the option open to collect full benefits if some of their corn acres remain unplanted.

A special breeze –webinar has held on June 3rd for farm producers and agribusiness representatives to cover some of the major issues related to Prevented Planting. If you were not able to take part in the broadcast, you can still view the podcast by going to where a recording can be found. The podcast discussed FSA deadlines, Crop Insurance Prevented Planting options, corn contract considerations, economic considerations under different options if a farm plants or will not plant a corn crop, crop production recommendations on varieties and growing degree days for late planted corn and soybeans. It may be worth your time to watch this session when you can.

Additional Prevented Planting and Late Crop Planting information links can be found at online for easy access and review or you can email your request for information links directly to MSU Extension Farm Management educator Dennis Stein.   .

“Be sure to consider your options and take time to evaluate the alternatives,” said Stein. Making good management decisions today can help provide a positive economic outcome for your farming operation.

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