Pre-harvest control of codling moth

Editor’s note: This article is from the archives of the MSU Crop Advisory Team Alerts. Check the label of any pesticide referenced to ensure your use is included.

A codling moth model developed by Dr. Carlos Garcia-Salazar, MSUE, predicts third-generation codling moth flight in Southwest Michigan started around August 16. Growers should continue monitoring on-farm traps to measure adult activity that can be used in conjunction with weather information (GDD) to determine if third generation activity warrants control treatments, and to best time treatment where needed. A particular concern with third-generation codling moth is that eggs laid directly on apples at this time of year can hatch in harvest bins or the packinghouse. Table 1 identifies codling moth control materials and label information relevant to late season spraying. On farms where summer generation obliquebanded leafroller larvae may be problematic, growers should consider the use of materials with efficacy on both codling moth and obliquebanded leafroller.

Table 1. Codling moth controls.

Compound trade name

Life-stage activity

Total allowable

Pre-harvest interval*

Re-entry interval*

Guthion 50WP**

eggs, larvae, adults

8 lbs

14 day

14 day

Danitol 2.4EC

eggs, larvae, adults

42.6 oz

14 day

24 hr

Rimon 0.83EC

eggs, larvae

150 oz

14 day

14 day

Intrepid 2F

eggs, larvae

64 oz

14 day

4 hr



14.4 oz

14 day

48 hr

Imidan 70WP

eggs, larvae, adults

30 lbs

7 day

24 hr

Baythroid XL

eggs, larvae, adults

5.6 oz

7 day

12 hr

SpinTor 2SC

eggs, larvae

29 oz

7 day

12 hr

Entrust 80WP

eggs, larvae

9 oz

7 day

12 hr

Assail 30SG

eggs, larvae, adults

32 oz

7 day

12 hr

Clutch 50WDG

eggs, larvae, adults

6.4 oz

7 day

12 hr


adult, larvae

15 lbs ai

3 day

12 hr

Granulosis virus


4 hr

4 hr

* for apples only
** 21 day PHI if more than 2 lb rate of Guthion

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