Oil and gas newsletter provides latest industry news

Upcoming oil and gas landowner educational meetings announced in December newsletter

The December 2011 issue of the Michigan Oil and Gas Newsletter is now available for your review and is filled with articles of interest. This newsletter is intended for landowners and other members of the public with interest in the development of oil and gas industry in Michigan. Information in this issue includes dates and locations of upcoming landowner educational sessions: Natural Gas Development – Perspectives from Pennsylvania, Learning Too Late of the Perils in Gas Well Leases, Gladwin County Holds Most Interest in State of Michigan October Lease Auction, FracFocus the Hydraulic Fracturing Chemical Registry Website, Is an Oil and Gas Lease Right for Me? and the upcoming Michigan Ag Commodities Educational Expo that includes an oil and gas leasing educational session. This information can be found for your review or be downloaded to share with others interested at Michigan State University Extension’s oil and gas website. Understanding the process and practices that are part of the development of an oil and gas lease agreement and an eventual win-win agreement between the landowner and oil development company takes some effort.

You can also find several prior issues that contain additional information and resources for landowners. If you would like to be added to the e-mail list to receive future newsletters delivered directly, please contact the editor: talleycu@anr.msu.edu. If you have limited internet access you can also contact your local Michigan State University Extension office to obtain a printed copy of this newsletter and other free oil and gas leasing information.

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