Newborn’s health and development ( 6 to 12 months)

Tips for parents and caregivers of children between 6 and 12 months old.

Child safety is very important at this age as your child begins to start crawling. According to Michigan State University Extension there are potential dangers as they start to explore the world. Never leave them alone near water, open windows, fireplaces or electric appliances. Be especially attentive in the kitchen and bathrooms as there are many potential dangers. Watch for dangling cords, any items on tables that could be pulled forward or furniture that can tip over.

Here are some milestones compiled by MSU Extension for 6-to 12-month-olds:


  • Reach for cup or spoon while being fed
  • Crawl well
  • Sit up right without support
  • Pull themselves in to a standing position
  • They will triple in bodyweight and double in length

Socially and emotionally

  • They will get upset if a toy is taken away
  • Will respond to their own name and the names of other family names
  • Can show mild to severe anxiety at the separation from parent
  • Will offer toy/food to someone, but may not let it go
  • Will push away food/toy when they do not want them
  • Become attached to a certain toy or blanket


  • Make noises when they are happy and not happy
  • Look for items that have moved out of sight
  • Body movement to music
  • Pass items from hand to hand
  • Play pat-a-cake, clap hands and wave goodbye

Nurturing your child is important at every age. At this age babies still do not understand discipline. It is our job as parents to attend the child as they grow with mobility to focus on safety with their exploration. Redirection is a great tool to use at this time. During this age your child will show strong attachment with their primary caregiver. They will get upset when you leave and be excited when you return. Always say goodbye to your child and do not try to sneak out. They will become adjusted to the idea that you will always return. Play is a way for your child to develop new cognitive, physical and social skills. Watch what your child is interested in and get down on the floor and play.

Your child should begin to say his first words during this time. Always talk to your child face-to-face with eye contact. They will begin to learn the connection between sounds and words. Talk often with your child. Point to objects that they are familiar with and repeat the name to them. Sing songs often, the child will enjoy even if we feel we don’t have a good voice they will not care. Provide many books for your child. If the book is too wordy than shorten it up. Point to pictures and identify. Ask the child to repeat the words. Remember to talk to them!

For more information on your child’s development, visit the born learning website. If you have any concerns about your child’s health, contact your pediatric doctor’s office.

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