New gypsy moth treatment tool debuts on Enviro-weather

Editor’s note: This article is from the archives of the MSU Crop Advisory Team Alerts. Check the label of any pesticide referenced to ensure your use is included.    

A new tool, developed in collaboration with the Christmas Tree Area of Expertise Team, to help growers make decisions about gypsy moth treatments is now online at Enviro-weather. It displays spray windows for gypsy moth treatments and degree-day accumulations for base 50, beginning March 1, throughout Michigan. You can access this tool by, first, selecting your local weather station from the Enviro-weather homepage ( and then clicking on “Forestry and Christmas trees”.

Special tools
Finally, select the gypsy moth treatment guidelines tool under the “Pests” header.

Two maps and one table are displayed on the gypsy moth treatment guidelines page. The first map shows spray windows throughout Michigan.The second map shows current degree-day accumulations (base 50 beginning March 1).

Degree days
Below the maps is a table listing opening and closing dates for various compounds.

Compound table
The default date range is from March 1 to the current date.

Gypsy moth treatment
You can change the date range to see spray windows and degree-day accumulations for previous years by clicking on the pull-down “year” and “date” menus, which will change the degree-day accumulations to the selected year, beginning March 1 and ending on the date you select.

We at Enviro-weather hope you find this tool useful. If you have questions or comments on this or any other Enviro-weather tool or feature, I can be contacted at (517) 432-6520 or

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