Mid-May lawn activities

Editor’s note: This article is from the archives of the MSU Crop Advisory Team Alerts. Check the label of any pesticide referenced to ensure your use is included.        

Seeding turf

The recent weather forecast indicates that it’s going to remain cool, cloudy and maybe rainy. If you’ve recently seeded turfgrass and are getting anxious to see results, remain patient. The cool temperatures are slowing germination and emergence.

I seeded an area about two weeks ago with a mixture of turf type tall fescue and Kentucky bluegrass, and I currently need to take a gopher’s eye view to see the green fuzz of the new seeding. If you have any reseeding projects planned, I’d get rolling as the longer you delay, the closer we get to summer and with summer warmth comes crabgrass germination.

Broadleaf weeds

Dandelions have had their first flush of the bright yellow flowers in many areas of the state and are now in the puff ball stage. If you feel the need to burn down some dandelions, the puff ball stage is a good time to do it. Of course, the best time is in the fall.

Usually, the turf areas that are really infested with dandelions are the thin areas. If you can simply improve the density of the turf with sound management practices such as mowing high, returning clippings, providing adequate nutrition, and improving the soil through core aeration, you will probably start to see the turf out compete the dandelions and other weeds for that matter.

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