Michigan’s Thumb research results indicate fungicides not needed on field corn

Michigan State University Extension educators studied the effects of two fungicides on corn in 2011 and found no significant improvement with fungicide use.

Under the conditions of the 2011 growing season, research by area MSU Extension (MSUE) educators indicates there should be no change in MSUE’s recommendation that fungicides are unnecessary on field corn.

This trial was established in Huron County, one mile north of Elkton, Mich. The corn was planted on May 11, 2011, following dry beans. The row width was 30 inches and the stand count was 31,500 plants per acre, counted in August. The hybrid was Croplan 388TS.

Fungicide treatments were made on July 14 at the V-11 growth stage. Equipment limitations did not allow treatments to be made at corn tasseling. Two products were evaluated: Quadris at 6 oz/A and Stratego at 10 oz/A. An untreated check was also included. Corn was harvested on November 11. The plot was a randomized complete block design, replicated four times.

See the following table for study results.

Treatment Moisture (%) Test Weight Yield (Bu./A) Sig
Quadris 18.2 59.7 166.8 a
Stratego 18.4 59.6 163.9 a
Untreated Check 18.4 59.6 159.7 a
Average 18.3 59.7 163.5
LSD @ 0.05

C.V. %


Although there was about a seven-bushel difference between the untreated check and the Quadris treatment, and a four-bushel difference between the untreated check and the Stratego treatment, these differences were not statistically significant.

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