Mettle 125 ME: A new fungicide for grapes

Editor’s note: This article is from the archives of the MSU Crop Advisory Team Alerts. Check the label of any pesticide referenced to ensure your use is included.      

Mettle (tetraconazole) recently received a registration for use in grapes. This product is manufactured by Isagro, Inc., and is formulated as a micro-emulsion, which is a liquid formulation. The active ingredient (tetraconazole), belongs to the group of the sterol inhibitor (triazole) fungicides. Since Mettle is in the same chemical class as Nova and Elite, it should not be tank-mixed with any of these products. For fungicide resistance management purposes, tank-mix or alternate Mettle with fungicides in a different chemical class.

Mettle is a systemic fungicide with protectant and curative activity. It is labeled for control of powdery mildew and black rot in grapes. The recommended application rate is 3-5 fluid ounces per acre on a 21-day schedule. However, a spray interval of 14 days is recommended when disease pressure is severe. When a post-infection application is used for black rot, it is recommended within 72-hours of an infection period. Mettle is absorbed quickly into the plant tissue and is rainfast within 2 hours of application. The pre-harvest interval (PHI) is 14 days and the restricted entry interval (REI) is 12 hours. Do not make more than two applications of Mettle 125 ME to grapes per year. The maximum amount of Mettle allowed per season is 10 fluid ounces and there must be at least 14 days between applications. Do not apply Mettle through any kind of irrigation system. Mettle has not been tested for disease control in Michigan vineyards.

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