Home preparedness calls for three days of stored food

Food availability for at least three days during an emergency is the April 2011 goal on website www.do1thing.us.

One of the most consistent recommendations made by emergency planners is for each of us to be prepared to live without the assistance of modern comforts such as electricity or water for at least three days following a significant loss of public services. In April 2011 this year, the website www.Do1Thing.usfact sheet is provided by www.Do1Thing.us outlines goals and activities aimed at ensuring the availability of food and other perishables that will meet household needs for three days without outside assistance. is highlighting food preparedness.

The first goal is to store or purchase a dedicated three day household food supply. Accomplishing this goal can be fairly simple.  Many families already store enough food to meet the three day goal, particularly families who regularly cook meals starting with basic ingredients. Those who rely more on prepackaged or heat and serve food choices may need to do more planning to ensure a three day supply is available. It will be important to keep in mind that a loss of electricity or gas service will impact the choices for food heating. Food choices should include high energy foods such as nuts and protein bars, as well as comfort foods like graham crackers or chocolate. It will be important to vary food choices. Another consideration here is storage location.  Storing the accumulated food staples in a plastic tub or containers with a lid will help preserve the food longer. 

Another important way to increase the availability of food during emergencies is to develop a Food Preservation Plan (FPP). In many instances, families already have enough food on-hand to last three days. An FPP takes this into account and ensures that these particular foods are always stocked in sufficient quantities and are replenished as they are used and before they run out. Families with small children or family members with special dietary needs will find an FPP will ensure that their critical needs can be met during times of upheaval. Also, don’t forget to include pet food as part of the FPP.

The last goal outlined by www.Do1Thing.us fact sheet for the month of April, increasing familiarity with and preparation for addressing the food safety issues that will arise from a loss of electricity for several days. Temperatures within refrigerators and freezers will ultimately rise and at some point a decision will need to be made as to the safety of consuming the food stored inside. The use of a simple thermometer can mean the difference between safely stored food and food that will make you or your family ill. While suggested guidelines on determining the safety of stored food as provided, the simplest advice is “If in doubt, Throw it out”.

The www.Do1Thing.us website dedicated to providing a monthly opportunity to look at personal and family preparedness. For additional information of emergency food storage and preparation is available from FEMA

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