Discovering science in everyday activities

Help children discover the science in the world that surrounds them, teaching them outside of the classroom.

Science discovery and learning does not happen in a single setting, but many science discoveries for children happen in everyday family activities. Many times the learning occurs when there is no set agenda for learning science, but happens spontaneously.

Children are naturally inquisitive about the world we live in and the activities they are a part of. Through their quest to understand their surroundings, children ask questions and seek answers to many scientific topics. From the a walk in a nature park, watching ants in the back yard to bouncing balls, these activities that can lead to scientific discoveries.

Other venues for science discovery can occur at a doctor’s office, a construction site, the wonders of how a bridge is built or how your home computer can retrieve information from around the world.

Before children enter school they have developed many cognitive skills and have a vast knowledge about the natural world they live in. A child’s early experiences have a direct correlation to their love of learning. The great news is families have the opportunity everyday through everyday activities to nurture this love learning. Reading, cooking, gardening, hiking and roller skating can all lead to science discovery.

While children are in elementary school they often bring what they are learning in the classroom home. This give parents another opportunity to teach science in an informal setting. By taking a child’s interest in a topic and relating it to their everyday life or creating an environment where children feel free to experiment is a great way to encourage the love of learning science.

The next time a child asks you a question, you have the opportunity to be the most important teacher and help them discover the science in their everyday world.

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