Central Michigan vegetable regional report – June 26, 2013

Warm temperatures have improved vegetable growth in the central region.


High temperatures ranged from the mid-70s to the upper 80s this week at Entrican, Mich.; lows ranged from the mid-40s to mid-60s. Average relative humidity levels have been increasing with several days over 70 percent. Passing thundershowers produced less than 0.5 inches of rain in some parts of the central region this week, while much of the area remained dry.


Sweet corn growth stages range from newly planted to approximately V8. Much of the crop is growing rapidly. Low numbers of European corn borer moths have been captured in pheromone traps. No western bean cutworm moths have been captured yet this season.

Snap bean planting continues and dry edible bean planting is finishing up. Emergence has been rapid on newly planted fields. Michigan State University Extension advises growers to scout for potato leafhopper adults and nymphs if seed was not treated with an adequate insecticide.

In potatoes, hilling and cultivation is in progress on most fields. Early planted fields have canopied and are now covering the rows. Late planted fields have now emerged.

Early planted potatoes
Early planted potatoes are covering the rows in Montcalm County.
Photo credit: Fred Springborn, MSU Extension

No late blight has been observed, but the possibility of this disease appearing is a concern. Eight disease severity values have been accumulated in the last three days at Entrican, Mich. – four yesterday (June 25) and two on each of the days before for a total of 41 since May15. Protectant applications of fungicides are recommended. For specific recommendations, visit the Late Blight Risk Monitoring website.

Colorado potato beetle adults are active and egg masses and larvae are easily observed on untreated potatoes. Potato leafhopper adults and nymphs are present.

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