Central Michigan vegetable regional report – June 15, 2016

Rain showers were generally welcomed in the Central region this week.


Soil moisture has been depleting in actively growing crops over the past several weeks as rain showers have yielded very little rain. The showers that came through early this morning (June 15) gave one-third to 1 inch precipitation over much of the region, with more rain forecasted over the next 24 hours.

Air temperatures in Entrican, Michigan, ranged from the mid-60s to mid-80s for highs this week. Low temperatures ranged from the mid-40s to low 60s.


Potato hilling, cultivation and side dressing is ongoing. Early planted potatoes will be at row closure in seven to 10 days. Late planted potatoes are just emerging. Fungicide applications have begun.

Sweet corn planting continues with late plantings going in this week.

Aspargaus harvest is wrapped up on most plantings with only a few road side marketers still picking.

Pea planting is largely finished. Early plantings have small pods filling. Late plantings are just emerging.

Planting of dry beans and snap beans is ongoing in good soil conditions. Early planted fields have emerged. Planting in warm soils (60 degrees Fahrenheit and above), with adequate but not excessive moisture, is the best way to avoid root rot infection and damage.

Pickling cucumber planting is ongoing.

Yellow and Zucchini summer squash transplanting is complete.

Tomato transplanting is complete and plantings are being staked.


Colorado potato beetle adults, egg masses and first and second instar nymphs are present in untreated potatoes and on volunteer potatoes.

Scouts are reporting finding a few potato leafhoppers and tarnish plant bugs in several crops.

Black cutworm moth flight continues with one of our pheromone traps capturing 24 moths for the week of June 3-10. Most crops are now large enough not to be effected by black cutworm larva, but late planting of sensitive crops such as sweet corn and tomato should be monitored for the next several weeks.

True armyworm populations and activity have been low this season but it is still wise to keep an eye out for this pest as sporadic crop damage does occur even in years with low flight.

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