4-H grows science

Finding the science in your 4-H club activities.

At its essence, science is “asking questions and discovering answers.” This is what we do in 4-H activities all the time. In addition, science is part of our lives every day and we do science almost every day, even though we may not realize it. In fact, every child begins life as a curious scientist, constantly asking questions and discovering answers.

Since we don’t often think about the science that is part of our 4-H activities, we often miss great opportunities to connect our kids to the science they are doing. In an attempt to provide science tools that can be used in most any 4-H activity, we have developed the following Science Model. As you become familiar with it and begin to use it, you will see how 4-H grows science!

Science Model

When examining a topic, scientists follow a series of steps or a careful process. This helps ensure the topic is studied in a careful, planned and orderly way. It also helps ensure that if someone else tries to repeat the experiment, they will be able to do that accurately. Often this is referred to as the Scientific Method.

The Science Model presented here builds on traditional Scientific Method and Process to create a model that can be used with any content and in almost any context. The model contains seven steps.

1. Ask a question

Science always starts with a question—something you’re curious about and want to understand. Ask a question and then get started on discovering the answers. Scientists are naturally curious, asking lots of questions and then attempting to discover the answers. In some ways, science is going back to being a little kid where your “job” was to ask questions and discover answers. One of the most important steps in this science model is to ask lots of questions.

2. Research

Once there is a question, it is important to spend some time learning more about the question and things related to it—to really understand the question. There are lots of resources for research, including books, the internet, teachers, classmates, parents, family, yourself and, of course, the library. Research will better define the question and begin to suggest possible answers.

3. Hypothesis

Next, make a hypothesis. This is an educated guess as to what the answer to the question is based on the research. One of the great things about making a hypothesis is that it is not right or wrong—it is a best estimate of the answer.

4. Design experiment

Next, design and set up the actual hands-on activities that will help answer the question. Part of designing the experiment is making a list of everything that will be needed; writing down the specific steps to do and in what order; the data to record and how often to make measurements; and designing the data sheets to record data.

5. Collect data

Once the experiment has started, it is time to collect data. Data is usually measurements of some sort that are recorded daily, weekly or on some regular schedule. Data includes observations of what is happening. In addition, photographs of the experiment are excellent data to collect. Often the observations, drawings and photographs are very valuable to help explain the data.

6. Explain data

Once data is collected, the question becomes “What does this all mean?” What does the data tell us? This is a really exciting part of science because it involves figuring out what all the hard work means. Explaining data often includes making graphs or tables and using pictures. Scientists ask if the data collected supports the hypothesis. What answers does the data give? It is very important that explanations are based on the data collected, not what you feel or hope.

7. Ask new questions

Often, new questions will arise throughout the experiment, procedures, observations and measurements. Scientists write these questions down and they become the questions to answer with the next experiments.

Don't look now, but you are back at the beginning of the process—ask a question!

Use this animation of the Science Model to reinforce the steps. Or, download this Science Model youth can fill out.

If you look closely at the first and last steps in the model, you see a similarity, a repeat. This raises a question—what is the shape of science? It does have a shape! Many will say Steps 1 and 7 suggest the shape is round or a circle, but going in circles will never get you any place.

In contrast, doing science results in discovering answers, gaining knowledge and experience. So, take that circle and stretch it out into a spiral. Yes, that is the shape of science—a spiral. Where the new questions are based on the old questions plus everything learned by doing the experiment. These new questions are often more complex and in depth and lead to even more learning!

If you think about it, this spiral shape is the way we learn everything—building new knowledge and ideas on what we already know.

So how can you use this model in your regular 4-H activities to bring out the science that is there?

Here are some examples that should help make this clear.

Dirty hands experiment

You have been out doing something and your hands have gotten dirty. It happens almost every day, right? As you work to get your hands clean, you are doing science following this Science Model.

1. Ask a question

How do I get my hands clean?

2. Research

You are not going to stop to do research on dirty hands, but you have been doing this research for all of your life. You have years of experience getting your hands clean using soap or whatever else. You also probably know how your hands got dirty (dirt versus grease or oil or something else), so you have that information as well.

3. Hypothesis

Again, you are probably not going to stop at this point and make a formal hypothesis, but in practice that is exactly what you do. You think (predict) that you can get the dirt off your hands using a bar of soap and water or whatever you decide is needed.

4. Design experiment

Your experiment is to wash your hands with a bar of soap and water.

5. Collect data

These are some pieces of data you will collect:

  • Observe how clean your hands get.
  • Observe the color of the soap suds as you scrub your hands.
  • Observe if any dirt comes off on the towel as you dry your hands.
  • Observe if your hands are clean or not yet clean enough.

6. Explain data

  • If your hands are clean: Yes, soap and water were able to clean my hands. My hypothesis was correct and now I have clean hands!
  • If your hands are still dirty: No, soap and water were not able to clean my hands. I will have to make a new hypothesis about how to clean my hands.

7. Ask new questions

  • What other “soap” could I try?
  • What if I used a scrub brush with the soap?
  • What if I used hot water when washing?

So in the simple activity of getting dirty hands clean, youth are doing science and can use the Science Model as a guide.

Light doesn’t turn on experiment

You walk into a room and flip the light switch, but nothing happens. No light at all.

1. Ask a question

Why didn’t the light come on?

2. Research

You are not going to stop to do research on how lights work, but you have been doing this research for most of your life. You have years of experience turning light switches on and having the room light up. You know what is supposed to happen. You could, if you wanted, do some research on how lighting circuits work, how electricity gets to the light switch and how it gets into your house.

3. Hypothesis

You are probably not going to stop at this point and make a formal hypothesis, but in practice that is exactly what you do. You think (predict) that the light did not come on for some reason. Most often this hypothesis will be that the light bulb is burned out or that the electricity is off.

4. Design experiment

No real formal experiment here, but you actually do experiment. The first thing is always to quickly turn the light switch on and off several times. (Don’t deny that you do this, we all do.) You might also look at the bulb to see if it looks good. You might take the bulb out and shake it. You might replace the bulb with a new one. Finally, you flip the switch again and see if the bulb lights up.

5. Collect data

These are some pieces of data you will collect:

  • Look around to see if other lights are on in the house.
  • Listen to see if you hear the “normal” house background sounds.
  • Note what the bulb looks like when you look at it.
  • Look to see if lights are on in the house next door or across the road.

6. Explain data

  • If you see other lights in the house, next door and across the street are on, you will probably conclude that the light bulb is burned out.
  • If your observation of the original bulb shows a black spot on it or a broken filament, you will probably conclude that the light bulb is burned out.
  • If you notice that other lights are not on, that it is unusually quiet, that lights are not on next door or across the street, you will conclude that the power is off.

7. Ask new questions

  • How old is this bulb?
  • What other bulbs might burn out soon?
  • How can I make light bulbs last longer?

Another common occurrence where youth are doing science and can use the Science Model as a guide!

4-H club icebreaker activity

Finally, here is a specific 4-H club example. You are planning an icebreaker activity for the beginning of a meeting where there are lots of new members.

1. Ask a question

What icebreaker activity will work well to get everyone talking and interacting with people they don’t really know?

2. Research

You have, or can find, a number of icebreaker activities. You should know the ages of the youth you are working with. You should have some idea as to whether they know each other or have had an interaction with each other. You could also search online for additional icebreaker activities and you could talk to some of your returning youth for their preferences. You should be equipped with a number of options and enough background information on your group to come up with one or two possible activities.

3. Hypothesis

You are probably not going to stop at this point and make a formal hypothesis, but in practice that is exactly what you do. You think (predict) that icebreaker “x” will work to get this group talking and interacting.

4. Design experiment

You set up and try icebreaker “x.” Generally, we don’t think of this as doing an experiment, but that is exactly what you are doing.

5. Collect data

These are some pieces of data you will collect:

  • Are the youth talking to each other and interacting?
  • Do they seem to be enjoying themselves?
  • Are they laughing?
  • Are youth that did not know each other talking and interacting?

6. Explain data

  • If youth are talking and interacting, you can be pretty sure that icebreaker “x” worked.
  • If youth are not really talking and interacting and seem uncomfortable, you know that icebreaker “x” did not work well and you may have to try another icebreaker.

7. Ask new questions

  • How could I make this icebreaker work better?
  • Could I give better directions?
  • Could I change the setup so everyone had to interact with someone they did not know?

One more common activity where youth are doing science and can use the Science Model as a guide.

So, use these ideas and this Science Model to grow the science that is in all your 4-H activities.

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